Friday, February 11, 2011

Chinese New Year Recipes: Lobster with Scallions and Jalapenos

I <3 Lobster- it has a subtle sweet flavor that is enhanced with Spice, Ginger and Scallions (the base of most Chinese Seafood dishes). There are many styles of Chinese Lobster: Sea Salt and Pepper, Ginger and Scallion, with Noodles and Egg whites in a Savory Brown Sauce, in a Tomato Based Chilli paste, etc. Try them all if you can and more importantly make it at home and save some $$.

I get my Lobster from T&T, when the price is right (anything around $8 a pound is a go), because I can personally inspect each candidate.  I always look for Lobsters that are angry, kicking and alive with all the legs intact (Would you eat a disabled chicken? Exactly).  At the Seafood counter, you can ask the Counter person to cut your Lobster into sections as desired. It's good to get your Lobster home promptly to maintain freshness and to cook your cut Lobster within a hour that it's been cut. Traditionally, the Lobster is fried but to lighten up the dish--steam first and then stir fry.


1 1 1/2- 2 lb Lobster
1/4 cup of Broth (Fish, Chicken, Beef, whatever)
tsp of Corn Starch
1 inch piece of Ginger
3-4 Scallions
2 Jalapeno or any other hot pepper


Clean the Lobster of all guts and scrub the shells well
Prepare Steamer and once water comes to boil--steam Lobster until shells turn bright red. Meanwhile, chop Ginger into slices, Scallions into 1 inch pieces and chop Jalapenos. Mix broth with starch.
Heat wok, add 1 tbs of oil fry Ginger until fragrant. Add Jalapenos.
Add Lobster, stir in broth mixture and add Scallions. Toss until sauce begins to thicken. Add a dash of White Pepper if desired.

Serve immediately.

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