Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Heaven Sent Fried Chicken v.s. Ma’ono

Last weekend, we drove down to Seattle to visit my cousin. It’s been over a year since I’ve been to the States, so when I’m there I want to seize every opportunity to enjoy the things I can’t find/afford/enjoy in Vancouver. And the very top item on my To Eat List: FRIED CHICKEN

Heaven Sent Chicken – 14330 Lake City Way Northeast  Seattle, WA 98125 (more than one location) (206) 363-1167
There is a back story to this place but it just sounds like drama. Something about the Black guy in the cow boy hat used to work for Ezell's and yadayadayada…drama.  And like I say to my friends: I’m not getting involved—I’m just here for the chicken. 
I ordered the 3 piece Spicy Dark Meat dinner with a side of mashed potatoes and corn and not only was it affordable as hell, it was the tastiest chicken I have ever eaten. The skin was crispy and perfectly seasoned. The meat was moist and tender.  The sides were delicious and the roll was lovely, but this fried chicken is good enough to be a stand-alone meal.
Ma’ono- 4437 California Ave SW Seattle, WA 98116
(206) 935.1075

Again, there’s drama in the back story but the most juicy part of Ma’ono is the $38 eight piece Fried Chicken Dinner. Though it is not so affordable- it’s good, but not great. Ma’ono chicken tastes like it’s been brined, has a nice thick crispy skin, but the flavor of the chicken relies heavily on the underwhelming dipping sauces provided. So, eh.

All things considered, I would say Ma’ono is the kind of place where you would take someone you want to impress: there’s a modern ambience, a bar, fancy sides and the waiters have asymmetric hair styles. Heaven Sent Chicken, on the other hand, is the kind of place where you want to go the other 364 days of the year. Heaven sent Fried Chicken all the way.  

Heaven Sent Chicken on Urbanspoon

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